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Tables help in Latex


I am trying to compile my thesis in Latex and am getting multiple errors for my tables. The error I get says" Latex Error: Illegal character in array arg. My table look like the one below:

\begin{tabular}{||{2 cm}||{8 cm}||}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Internal Combustion Engine Operating Speeds} \\
Number of Cylinders & Engine Speed\\
1 & 2500 rev/min \\
$>$ 1 & 1500 rev/min \\
\caption{Internal Combustion Engine Operating Speeds. }

can anyone help please



You are missing a qualifer before {2 cm} and {8cm}.

I have used 'p' but 'm' also works. You'll need to play around with this because I don't really understand the formatting and frankly the latex documentation is dreadful.
The following will get your code to compile and display the table as a first step though.

\begin{tabular}{||p{2 cm}||p{8 cm}||}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Internal Combustion Engine Operating Speeds} \\
Number of Cylinders & Engine Speed\\
1 & 2500 rev/min \\
$>$ 1 & 1500 rev/min \\
\caption{Internal Combustion Engine Operating Speeds. }