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timescale - possible?


I am doing my PhD part time and hope to submit in just over a year - i should have most of my data (mostly interviews) collected and analysised by Christmas / early new year - do you think that this gives me enough time to write up for a August deadline?I already have papers published that will form the basis of the chapters so it is really just rewriting these into PhD chapters along with the new data that I am currently analysising (and intro / lit review chapter that is 'in progress'!)
Just looking for reassurance that it can be done!



sounds like you have most of the chapters all ready there. its always easier to write chapters from published work, which can act like a skeleton to buildup on. and 6months is more than enough time to write the thesis.

i am planning on writing my thesis in 3 months (i have to! no choice, or i will fail).

so your time, is absolutely possible! good luck


It depends upon your supervisors. Estimate a time and add 50% to it to allow for changes, amendments, flaws in argument and summaries etc. The more supervisors you have, the greater the conflict of representation. It always takes much longer than you anticipate.


Thanks - I like Lara's response best! I am obviously also writing up as I am going as well rather than leaving everything till after data analysis stages so hopefully there will be plenty of time...part time is a long enough slog!


That sounds very doable to me - as long as your supervisors feedback on time.


Sounds plausible to me too. Just get your best organisational socks on and away you go!