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torture of the write-up process!


Urgh, I don't understand - I've done the reading and I have the notes - why is it taking so long to write the lit review?! I only seem to do a few hundred words in several hours.

Sigh. Swallows another caffeine pill.


Try visualisation: imagine it being published in high impact factor journal of your choice (that's what I'm doing with my lit review; though it helps that this one is on a subject I find really interesting too).


hiya, im having the same problem cant seem to keep my eyes open *sips coke ... and looking at the screen is doin my head in, best advice i can give is to take a break from it come back and hit it hard again :( or go visit so called bf and hit him hard again lool


Juno- thanks for the visualisation tips. I visualise a seminal article in the BSHS...sigh...

Come on Donut - we can do it. I have 2,500 words left and I'm no going to sleep until it is done. Come on...we can do it!

I'm visualising the nice hug I'll get from my boyfriend tmrw when he comes around. I'll be shattered and falling asleep..but it will still be bliss. Donut - you need to change in your byf if he isn't supportive! Hmmm though mine has questioned the expediency of caffeine pills and suggested healthy alternatives.

How very dare he!



The writing up process starts to frighten me! I've only started in October but when I see the (apparently) huge amount of raw material I've collected during the first term, it seems just impossible to go and organize it. I've deliberately left for Christmas the task of writing 2 articles (nothing too formal - one is a general overview of my discipline, for the newsletter of the organization which sponsored my masters, and one is a short paper to be presented in a student research forum in January) but I start to wonder if I will succeed.


Hmm, mine is a little bit of a mess....but even in my tired state, I can see that some of it is actually, which is comforting somehow. A pity about the rest of the chaff...but they did want a 'draft'.

I'm presenting a short paper in Jan too! So once this lit review is done by the morning, I will be sleeping and then going home for Christmas. Paper writing starts they day after Boxing Day...

Good luck Nimrod81.

Must stay awake - luckily Swedish pop (with headphones on) is keeping me await....for who could fall aleep listening to Kiki Danielsson's Idag och Imorgon?!!

Yeah, writing up is a scary task - but I guess like all things is all a huge learning curve!