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viva is after 2 days


Hello all,

My viva is on Thursday and I cannot remember the details of my thesis. It is in human rights law and it is 300 pages. There are a lot of details I am reading it but I doubt I would remember any of them. Is it normal?


I haven't been through the viva process yet, but I've been in to speak to my supervisors about how I should prepare. I'm not sure where you're studying, but I'm in the UK and one thing that my supervisors told me is that the viva is not a memory test. you can take your dissertation in with you and make some notes. In fact this is an important thing to do. But the examiners don't expect you to remember everything by heart.

It sounds a little bit like you're panicking. I know it's hard, but try not to. Take a deep breath and remember: You know your dissertation better than anyone else because you wrote it!

Good luck!


Many thanks glowworm for you reply. I am studying in Switzerland and I think the system here is similar to that in the UK. I can take my dissertation and whatever document, conventions, statistices I might need in the defence. I am really panicking :)


Have you done *any* form of verbal practice with someone else? I'd really recommend it, even if only with a fellow student over a cup of coffee. You'll be surprised how much you can remember when actually on the spot and accountable to someone.

On a practical point, put page markers at the start of each chapter in your thesis so you can find them quickly without fumbling around. Maybe also mark key tables/figures that you think might be discussed, but don't get too carried away.


Yes Hazy I did discusion with a fellow student and it was very good but he does not read my thesis so his questions were general.


Hey Emma!

I was thinking about your Viva as you mentioned in the earlier post. You are so lucky for being almost there. I can exchange this vicious cycle of thesis writing with a Viva exam any time. It seems like writing takes eternity and it appears incomplete no matter how much you add. I echo HazyJane's advice and if you cant get anybody(other than your fellow student) you can practice in front of the mirror. Wear comfortable clothes, drink enough water, take good sleep and meal, take two deep breath before Viva and you are ready to rock the it and of course do not forget to smile during Viva. Though I have not appeared for the Viva I can say that it seems like we do not know a thing before every exam but the truth is you do. Do not focus on the outcome just concentrate on providing 100 percent. All the very best :)


We tend to feel more forgetful than we actually are, especially before a viva. I was once asked to speak about my M.Sc. dissertation, almost 1.5 year after completing it. Without revising, everything was still there - rather surprised myself!
Good luck - I'm sure you'll do great :-)


Many thanks Silverlining and Lude for your replies. I do practice in front of the mirror and record my presentation :). 41 hours remaining ...


Hi Emma

I do not know if you will be able to see this but I would like to wish you luck anyway.

I hope you go through the process well and give your best performance. Do not worry about the outcome!

Best Luck :)


Good luck Emaa!!

Yes good luck Emaa! Rootin for you :)


Thank you all for your replies. I passed with minor corrections, with grade "tres bien". It was a great long day. I will write the story of my viva today or tomorrow. Good luck all


Congratulations, Emaa! Well done!

I'd love to hear more about your viva whenever you get chance to write it. But first make sure you celebrate and enjoy this time =D


Congratulations :)