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What to wear for viva?


My viva is next week and I am really really nervous!!!!

Just wondering what is the dress code for viva?

I am a very casual person, hence I often wear t-shirt and jeans to the department only.

I think I might look slightly strange (and probably uncomfortable) if I turn up to the department with very formal dress/clothes with make up etc. I also don't want to attract unnecessary attraction to other people because I haven't really told anyone about my viva (because I get stress very very easily if everybody ask me how I am with my viva!)

Any advice?

I was told business attire would be expected. I went suited and booted so to speak.

A change of clothes was waiting in my bag for as soon as it was over though, as I was heading straight for a football match after the viva (the change was that quick my external examiner saw me in Sunderland top and jeans ten minutes after the viva was over).

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


I wore smart casual, so a smart top and my usual comfortable black (not jeans) trousers. I was originally planning to be smarter, but I had to use my wheelchair on the day, and comfort and practicality was more important.

So long as you don't turn up too informally dressed - i.e. jeans and a t-shirt - it should be fine. They are examining your PhD/thesis, not how you are dressed.


I've not finished my PhD but a course I went on at my uni suggested smart-casual as a minimum (even for our upgrade viva), and I'm inclined to agree with that. That said, we were cautioned against wearing something that would distract us or make us feel uncomfortable - so stick with an outfit that you know rather than testing out something new!

If you think about it, a viva is kind of like a peculiar interview for admission to the world of academia, so casual wear probably isn't advisable.


Quote From Mackem_Beefy:

I was told business attire would be expected. I went suited and booted so to speak.

A change of clothes was waiting in my bag for as soon as it was over though, as I was heading straight for a football match after the viva (the change was that quick my external examiner saw me in Sunderland top and jeans ten minutes after the viva was over).

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Weren't you tired!?
I'd normally be so tired after any presentation that I'd go sleep for hours afterwards lol.

======= Date Modified 08 Nov 2012 20:28:32 =======

Quote From tt_dan:

Quote From Mackem_Beefy:

I was told business attire would be expected. I went suited and booted so to speak.

A change of clothes was waiting in my bag for as soon as it was over though, as I was heading straight for a football match after the viva (the change was that quick my external examiner saw me in Sunderland top and jeans ten minutes after the viva was over).

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Weren't you tired!?
I'd normally be so tired after any presentation that I'd go sleep for hours afterwards lol.

I was nervous as hell for the first 20 minutes of the viva then realised from the nature of the questions, I was through with minors. However, it went on for over four hours and I did wonder if suddenly some tough questions were coming, but it was more an extended chat about the project. That didn't stop me being on edge and I remained that way for a good while afterwards - going to the match helped and a stinking referee meant that the viva and the rest of the day was no longer on my mind. The whole day was weird to be honest (I've posted the whole story somewhere else).

Whilst I was tired after two years of write-up and then preparation for the viva (hellish), plus my head was still all over the place after it, sleep and rest was the last thing on my mind. All I cared about was getting to the match in time for kick-off. You have to understand the mentality of a football fan and I know of people that would rearrange a wedding, christening or whatever to get to a game (or at the very least, arranging the day so attending the match fitted in somewhere). :-)

I didn't rest after either, as I just wanted rid of the hardbound copies and the whole PhD to be behind me once and for all. I'd enjoyed the research I'd done, but also wanted to move on with my life. And seven days later, it was done.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Well I'm going to wear my suit, just as I would for a job interview - even if it isn't how I'll be dressed for work.

There's an old thread here:

Alot of people on this old thread are treating the viva as they would a job interview, which was basically my understanding and treatment of it.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


I wore the same clothes I wear to job interviews. Plus, my lucky charm.


If you've got time to kill there's some interesting posts on the art/challenges of academic dress at Thesis Whisperer:

(not specifically addressing the issue of viva-wear though)


======= Date Modified 10 Nov 2012 08:53:29 =======
i wore all black for the viva. just to let everyone know that i was dead serious bout my research. :)