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Where is everyone?


Just out of interest, where abouts is everyone who writes on this board? What universities are you at I mean. I only ask as from what everyone writes I swear you are all at the same university as me, or maybe all universities are run the same way. Also, a lot of people say that they have a dream university/project they are applying to/got into etc. Where are these places and why are they your favourite?


I start at the University of Manchester, Centre for Museology in September. I did my MA here and knew that I didn't really want to do a PhD elsewhere because I had a great supervisor for my MA dissertation and wanted him to be my PhD supervisor.

Hmmm, things run generally smoothly at Manchester Adem, but there was once a small problem with a Postgraduate Skills Asessment (SAGE) software: namely that we were supposed to fill it in during the orientation weekend and due to teething issues nobody could fill it in until around 9 months later!

But that is small fry compared to other things like decent resources, a good supervisor and the wonderful city of Manchester.


I must say that I've never been to Manchester but everyone that I have spoken to who has says it's good for a night out. It's great that you like the place you're at, I'm completing my undergraduate degree at Imperial in London. The university, for all its sins, is excellent for science but I didn't really fancy staying on even though I was lucky enough to get an offer for a PhD in quite a good area here as I felt that I should have a little look about and see what else was on offer, did you have a look at other places?


Urm I did my undergraduate degree at a small university in Wales (University of Wales, Lampeter) so I headed to something bigger for my MA. When looking around for a MA course it HAD to be a city! Yeah, I did look around for my PhD, but there really isn't that many institutions that do a PhD in Museology, although I could have applied to Durham, Newcastle, Leicester or LSE. I applied to two of these for my MA and decided to not take places because I felt Manchester offered a better course.

What/Where are you thinking of for a PhD?


Well, I've just finished my undergrad degree at the University of Leeds.. and hopefully I'll be starting my PhD at the same place in October


I've been really lucky with regards to my PhD. I started on the trail looking for places in September and have applied for LOADS. I've had interview offers from about 15 places of which I've turned a few down. I didn't really have a place in mind so I took my Tutor's advice: "Don't worry about where you apply, if it sounds ok do it. If you don't like it after a visit, no loss, if you do, you've given yourself the option". I had an offer from 4 differnt places but, because of the money side, chose one in Cambridge. Very lucky!


Cranfield Uni, surrounded by countryside


Is there a duty free section at the airport at Cranfield?

rude not to be one really..



No, its just a little airport really with only little planes. There are no passenger aircraft here.

I wish there was one though...


am at southampton....its cool sometimes.


wot dept u in mia?


I did my undergraduate in Goettingen (Germany), a small university town. I got an offer from the head of department to stay and do a phd, but decided to go abroad for the phd. I wanted to go to the uk because my Mom's British and I've never lived here.
I found it very frustrating and difficult to find a funded phd - so I couldn't even apply for most projects. I finally found a phd project at sussex uni in a purpose built centre for genome damage and repair, which houses about 12 research groups working on dna repair. I was offered the choice of two phd projects (and with hindsight chose the wrong one) and chose the one working in the mamalian system over working with yeast.
Brighton is a fun city, love the amount of Art that is going on here, still a little bit disappointed by the pebbles on the beach & lack of good sea food. Love the centre, also because it’s very international. Learnt how to swear in English, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, new ways in German, and Irish (very impressive).


Hi German bloke. I'm from Brighton originally and I must say that you made an excellent choise of place to study. I must disagree witht he argument about not much good seafood. You must not be looking very hard. Wher abouts in Germany are you from. I've spent a litlle time there and love it. Hamburg is fantastic.


eeek anonGerman (I think thats who you meant) isn't a guy!

I'm in Sheffield myself.


Adem, so you're one of the few indigenous Britoners? Interesting. Maybe you know why the local football club is called seagulls if every one hates those birds that much?
Anyway, my family comes from south Germany (Stuttgat area), but- as fate will have it- we now live in Hamburg.