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Working away and desk space



I currently work away from the university (at home) as I live 2 hours away from the university. I am looking into getting desk space near my home. Has anyone ever done that? Also, is there any possibility that the university in my city would be kind enough to give me desk space?



Not sure about spcifically desk space as such but I live 4-5 hours from my uni so work from home too. My library/IT access was limited to the digitalised facilities so I arranged access to these areas at my local uni. It was done through the SCONUL access system as both mine and the local unis were a part of this 'sharing facilities' system. The SCONUL system in UK and Ireland based so not sure if this helps you specifically. Is it possible for you to contact the local uni library facilities and ask them about desk space? You may need endorsement from your uni/sup so it is also worth talking to your sup about it too.


Quote From dunni73:

Not sure about spcifically desk space as such but I live 4-5 hours from my uni so work from home too. My library/IT access was limited to the digitalised facilities so I arranged access to these areas at my local uni. It was done through the SCONUL access system as both mine and the local unis were a part of this 'sharing facilities' system. The SCONUL system in UK and Ireland based so not sure if this helps you specifically. Is it possible for you to contact the local uni library facilities and ask them about desk space? You may need endorsement from your uni/sup so it is also worth talking to your sup about it too.

Thanks I will. Currently I haven't found anything, I'm still looking. Its just a bit pricey ...


Chococake, as far as I'm aware you should be entitled to desk space at your university. They usually have post-grad offices available for PhD students.


Quote From walminskipeasucker:

Chococake, as far as I'm aware you should be entitled to desk space at your university. They usually have post-grad offices available for PhD students.

I do have office space at my university, its just that I live far from the university. I was just wondering whether it would be possible to get office space at another university which is literally behind my home!


Hi Chococake

While I can't comment directly on your situ, I have worked in two academic libraries and the issue came up in both. In one, the librarian just wasn't interested and there was no other office space in that university. A student at a sister college had asked if she could study in the library and was told NO. The other university was far bigger and they had no problem letting different postgrads study at some of the postgrad corals in the library. But I don't think there was any question of office space.

At the moment one of my colleagues just goes to another university and works in that library all day. He brings his laptop, plugs it in and nobody has ever said anything to him. I was that library worker and you would never question a student unless you thought they were trying to pilfer books, or something like that. There is just too many of them to start tackling individual students. My colleague has been working unofficially in this other library for over a year!

If you actually want office space I would imagine you would have to get your HoD or Dir of PG studies to make an official request for desk space. Desk spaces are like hens teeth in most unis so it could be tough. Unless you really need internet access I would think about 'squatting' in the library!

Good luck with it