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Would you rather be a custard pie or a plum pudding?

I think I'd rather be a plum pudding


Doesnt anyone think this is an important matter?!


It is. It changes the way you think. If I had custard pie when I actually wanted plum pudding, that would stay in my mind all day, and it would affect my work. Let's demonstrate in Trafalgar Square with "right to right dessert" banners.


It is a very important issue. And if you actually were a custard pie you'd be quite squishy in the middle


where as if you were a plum pudding, you would be firm and the level of your sweetnes would be just fine. Not over the top as in custard pie.


Exactly! That's so true!


Would have to be plub, as allergic to dairy so could not eat the custard evening if I wanted to. Has anyone ever made exploding custard? I had to make it along with a alkaseltsa(sp?) rockets for a science festival.


plum even, gah! Why is there no edit when I need one.


No, but I made an exploding Bonoffee pie once(in my non-vegan days). The recipe said boil a tin of evaporated milk for three hours. So I cleverly decided to go to the gym for an extra long session whilst it boiled. Came home and found that the pan had boiled dry, the tin had exploded, and the evapourated milk - now toffee, was stuck all over the room and ceiling. My landlady called round later that night just as I was re-painting the walls!


I think the UK media is completely biased towards custard pies & plum puddings get an unfair reportage ( particularly in the BBC coverage). I am considering changing my project to a critical discourse analysis of desert menus with funding from the A.AHRC ( 'afters', arts & hummanities research council). I think this is an extremely hot topic right now & the contribution to knowledge could be massive.


What a good idea. I think this research could radically impact on the eating habits of the nation. I think you should definately change!


This thread has really got me thinking: Plum pudding was a regular feature of my youthful diet. Now, I struggle to remember the last time I set eyes on it, let alone ate it. It must be over 10 years ago. Has Plum pudding dissapeared from the British menu, or just my mothers cookbook?

Other things that were around in my childhood that have now dissapeared include:

White dog poo
Non-motorised Go-Karts. (when do you ever see kids peddling about in these, these days?)
Money spiders

Anyone seen any of these things about recently? Is it my imagination, or have they actually dissapeared?


What are money spiders, don't think they came north of the border! White dog poo, i think again I have only seen south of the border.


Money spiders are tiny little red spiders. They hung around in groups and to the untrained eye, looked a bit like red ants. The myth went that if you let them crawl on you, you came into money.


When were they out, as I have honestly never heard of them before.