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Anyone doing arts/photography phd?

Hi, Pat,

I'm applying for a Phd in Creative Writing. If all goes as planned I'll start in the spring or summer of 2012. Are you doing practice-led research as well? I've just taken a one-week online seminar on the topic and most of the theory we discussed in creative writing originated in the visual and other arts.


Four weeks in to my PhD - first impressions

I'm heartened to hear that your first month went well, Magictime!

Is your tutoring work intended to fill gaps in background knowledge? Or is it more about research methodologies?

Just curious....


Mutual support & self-imposed application deadlines

Anyone here want to join me in pulling together our PhD applications this autumn and winter? I could use the peer pressure and deadlines. Feel free to send me a private message about this.


Sample application proposal?

Hi, everyone!

I'm about to write my application proposal for PhD programmes in English Literature and would love to see how others have shaped their arguments in summary form.

Would anyone here be willing to send me a copy of a successful 500-word PhD proposal for any field?

Thanks in advance. :-)