Overview of athina

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Norming the stimuli

Lol scamp! “Planet of the Apes”, it will not be long ...

First conference coming up!

Can I ask for a little souvenir from the US Sara?

I would really appreciate it if you could bring me a laptop, a camera and a car!

Norming the stimuli

I am also doing psychology and agree with scamp 100%. People try to make psychology a hard science (simulating everything, creating shiny mathematical models) and they use less analytical skills. Its a pitty!
And the worst thing is that all the funding goes there, thousands of pounds are spent for research that we could do without instead of investigating areas that would be of the benefit of the society in so many ways! When I told my supervisor that what I would really want to investigate is the effects of religion (terrorism, suggestibility etc), he just said: Jesus!

Home sweet home!!!

Thank you all so much! You seem to have great news! Coastman, did I miss a forum romance? H, yes Sara told me that your wedding is towards summer. Anywhere nice for a honeymoon? Are you nervous preparing stuff or its all organized already? DJ, new boyfriend? Tell us more! Well, I also have good news. I will rest until the 23rd of April and then back to the PhD life! I had to be far from it to appreciate it The bad news is that I am missing a conference that I would really like to attend. How often do you guys get to attend/present in a conference during your PhD?

Home sweet home!!!

Hi all! I am back home after 2 months and it feels really great! I had started to feel institutionalized!

Well, I need an update. What is everyone up to? What have I missed? Any exciting news? Any viva, any new partner, any wedding, any important decision.... any little thing to be shared?

Thank you all!

Hi everyone! Unfortunately I do not have much time to talk, I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words and your support while I was (I still am actually) in the hospital. Sara passed on your wishes and I really felt very good knowing that you were thinking of me. It is great to be back (in life and on the forum as well-I almost forgot my password :-))! I hope you are all progressing with your PhDs and that you also have some fun! My regards to the PGForumTeam as well!

Is everyone sleeping?

goodnight from me too!

Is everyone sleeping?

I am here and I can confirm that (I thought we wouldnt say that though, lol). Still dont know your undergrad though!

Is everyone sleeping?

I dont think sylvester is in love with me either!

Is everyone sleeping?

Yes, I think I am

Is everyone sleeping?

lol. the distance between u and him i meant. I tried to be into yr shoes to give you the best advice

Is everyone sleeping?

Sara wow! I agree, the tricks with the eye (lol) are the best way to go. You should also reduce the distnance between us when you talk. Invade his space and look into his eyes as you talk... touch him on the arm or something (with a reason, not accidentaly) and take him somewhere to talk that you are alone (as you said he is shy, so...)

Is everyone sleeping?

She does! But better curles than those Modern godesses are advanced in hair styling!

Is everyone sleeping?

ULUG: pretty close! Especially after I do the highlights

Is everyone sleeping?

Yepp, we do like blue eyes. They are very "exotic"