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Thoughts on my supervision

Hi helebon, Are they your only supervisor? I supervised my first masters thesis a few months after my PhD (and trust me I was almost as invested in her thesis as she was because I really wanted my first student to pass) but the department insisted on a senior member of staff acting as co-supervisor because supervision was new to me. I think it's unusual for a first time supervisor to be unsupported.

Alternative thesis/3-paper format

About 164 pages! The thesis is always a lot shorter when it's in paper format!

Alternative thesis/3-paper format

Hi Tudor_Queen,

I submitted my thesis in paper format, it's the way the majority of people in Switzerland (where I did my PhD) write theirs.
I wrote the papers first and these were the most time consuming but my supervisor had me write them throughout the PhD so when I got to the write up stage all I had to do was write a general introduction and overall discussion chapter. These two chapters took maybe a month to write before submission. I didn't write a methodology chapter because this was included in the papers.

Another 'I'm thinking of quitting my PhD' thread

Hi Rubix, Your post sounded really familiar to me. My PhD has been split across 3 labs in 3 different countries and I constantly move between them. I have felt like quitting a ton of times and I understand it does all feel really isolated when you are the one in the department who is always traveling, All I can tell you is I'm now nearly three years in and writing up and it does get easier ... it just takes a lot longer to settle! You can get there in the end!