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Workplace Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation

Hello! I'm currently studying abroad in the UK through a program at my American university. As the semester comes to a close, I'm working on one last paper and could use the help of those in this forum.

The paper I'm working on involves (wage) discrimination of homosexuals in the workforce. I'm trying to accumulate some qualitative data to assist my already-done quantitative research, so I made an online survey with a few short questions on it. It'd be greatly appreciated if even some of you participated in the survey, it would help me a ton. If, after completing the survey, you have anything else to contribute or would like to private message me more details, that would be phenomenal.

Here's the link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/87H32PL

The survey is very short -- it shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to fill out. Any input is greatly, greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. :-)