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Stressed for Life?

Oh, can't say I was expecting that reaction! Thanks for your replies, and apologies if it offended anyone. Re-reading it, it was a tad insensitive,


Stressed for Life?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently applying for an MA in International Relations, after I complete it I will probably look for work, but being Dr Dann80 does tempt my vanity. Anyway I've noticed how stressed a lot of PhD students are here, to the point where they're collapsing or feel depressed, and worthless and want to quit.

My question is this, isn't your whole life going to be this stressful? I mean when you complete you're PhD you are presumably going to be doing jobs that involve doing the same standard of work, maybe with even tighter deadlines. Or does is become easier as you gain confidence in your ability and you get used to producing the same standard of work?

Just a thought, I'd be interested in your opinions on the matter

