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Master in Cognitive science

Hello everyone,

Found a very interesting program in Cognitive Science and language , they seem willing to admit students from various different fields(philosophy, psychology etc).
Would it be of any use to pursue a master degree in Cognitive science after a BA in Theology?The two fields don't seem related and I have to wonder if this would be a waste of time/money.
Would a master in the field enable me to persue a Phd?Are there any other practical aplications to this rather strange combination(career wise) ?

thank you

all the best,

master degree choice

I'm studying in Romania and hope to be admitted to a master degree in Leiden - The Netherlands.The thing is that Romania does not have a academic division for the field of History of Religion ,the only place one could teach is the faculty of theology witch is of confesional(orthodox)  nature.
With that in mind I believe that my only chance is in a different country.

thank you for your replies ,

master degree choice

If by degree you mean thesis , is going exceptionally well - it's a pleasure to work on it.The subject is in the field of History of religion.Yes , I will discuss it with my tutors , no doubt , but an outside opinion is welcomed.

thank you ,

master degree choice

Academia would be my first choice but due to the fact that it's very competitive I would like to have a second choice and the thought that the study of religion is quite impractical except in academic circles did ocur to me.

thank you for your reply and advice,


master degree choice

Hello everyone,

First of all a few words about me : I will be finishing next year with a degree in Theology/Religious Studies (4 years).

I want to continue my education at a master level , and I have a few options:

1.a master in comparative religion (comparative religion is my favourite subject ).However I can't help to notice the fact that this is a very limited choice in that it offers no actual (real) carrer perspectives (outside of academia - wich is very competitive from what I hear).

2.a master degree in a field other then religious studies.And here is the problem: fields in witch I am interested require a BA at undergraduate levelin that specific field.
I was interested in japanese/east asian studies but the fact that the program was ambiguous and did not focuse on jap language made me reconsider.That and the problem stated above.

Does anyone know of a more practical master that I can apply to with this degree ?( I would prefer continental europe )
Please excuse my writing , I wrote in a hurry.

all the best ,

Master in History of Religion

Thank you for your suggestions , nevertheless does anyone know of a good program in this area ?

Master in History of Religion

I am interested in this specific master program , I know of a few with this option.Anyone ?

Master in History of Religion

Could anyone recommend a good MA in the field of History of religion , preferably in Europe? I've been searching around and found only a small number of MA's in this field.

Thank you

what master to choose?

======= Date Modified 12 Oct 2008 16:22:23 =======
(up) interesting ,but yes, I do not want to emulate his choices.Any other ideas are welcomed.
thank you

what master to choose?

Thank you for your replies
I intend to go further with a PhD(but it's still very early).The fact is that I would like to make an informed decision and, why not , do what I like.An academic career ,especially in a foreign country , is a big commitment.I'm not in it for the money but I would like to leave a decent life.

what master to choose?

Thank you for your reply.The problem is that I'd rather make an early decision for the simple fact that if I would have to change to something other then Theology I have to have time to study.I'd just like to know all my options.Philosophy would be interesting but the problem is that I don't really know how it wold help regarding a career.That is practically the problem : my fields of interest (theology , philosophy ,cognitive science and such) do not seem to open any career perspectives.

what master to choose?


what master to choose?

I would like your advice : I am currently a student.In 2 years time I will have my BA in Theology.I've been thinking on a master degree in psychology- cognitive sciences or something similar.Would this be a good choice ?A master in Theology/Philosophy would also be an option but I do not see any perspective in that.
Any ideas on what would go well with a BA in Theology ?
Thank you