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Thesis completion struggles

======= Date Modified 28 Jun 2012 02:09:10 =======

Quote From potatoes:

Hi RockSalt,

Sounds like a bad place to be.  Maybe I dont understand your process properly. I thought that the person who had to agree to your changes was you examiner, not your supervisor?  So I would think that you address the items in your list, then email to the examiner and say if this is OK. If he/she/they say its OK, then print, bind, submit and forget about it.

Dont know if that helps...


Sounds like RockSalt is at a US institution (definitely not a UK one). It works quite differently over there - instead of the viva with an internal and external examiner, you have a defence in front of your advisory committee. Bottom line is your supervisor only has to sign off on your intention to submit form in the UK; in the US, your advisor plays a direct role in deciding whether/when you get to graduate since they have to sign off on the thesis itself.

Is it possible for you to bring in a third party to mediate?

sick pay and extension on a NERC bursary?

I was wondering about this as well - I'm looking at a three month absence from my PhD to have surgery and I'm worried I won't get paid during my absence. I'm funded by a University scholarship but it's supposed to be commensurate with an ESRC scholarship... does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?