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I have a 3rd class degree, should I apply for a post graduate in Nursing?

In 2014 I obtained a non honours degree in Health Studies. Two years later I pursued an open honours degree. I gained good marks in the essays, but unfortunately I got 44% for the final exam and 48% for the final project. I was awarded a 3rd class classification because of it. If I was in a brick University I could have been awarded a 2.2. I'm finding it hard to get a job with my degrees, because the jobs require a driving licence and experience. I've done a few months voluntary work and it's not enough. So I decided to go for Nursing as a career because I have extensive experience of working as a Healthcare Assistant and Carer. I have an access to Nursing qualification. Problem is I can't do the undergraduate in Nursing, =the student loans company can no longer offer any undergraduate funding because I have a degree. I can only do the postgraduate in Nursing, but the problem, but they want a 2.2. and above. Shall I still apply despite their requirements? I've been unemployed for two months and it's been difficult :-(