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Need motivation

Guys, thanks so much. I needed words of encouragement. I was so downhearted. I just don't know what to do or if I am the only one that went through this process. The pressure is amounting more and more. But the words and advice you guys gave really lift up my spirits. (up)

Thx so much guys. Merry Xmas in advance.

Need motivation

======= Date Modified 06 18 2008 07:18:10 =======
I have been doing research on risk perception, a concept of looking at engineering science with psychology human factor. For the last 9 month, I have read well over 40 papers/ journals on my topic. I have done a bit of field work as well. I submitted my 9 month report a couple of weeks back. Yesterday, I has a meeting with my supervisor and was told that I am not 'qualified/ capable' of handling issues related to psychology. Apparently, I do not have the psychology foundations to further my research in view of psychology. I wanted to reject this claim, but to be perfectly honest, I have always been an Engineering student. When the supervisor said that I could not proceed to look in Psychological views, she had given me an alternative to focus just on Engineering. My supervisor apologized to me, as she felt responsible for what had happen. She said I was too ambitious and the topic was very big. I don't know how I should feel right now. I am so very lost.

First, I feel very disappointed that I could not proceed with what I wanted to due to my 'lacking in foundation'. It is something I am passionate about. I feel so unhappy with myself!!! But my supervisor said my PhD can still be salvaged. To do that, my PhD needs to be focused solely in Engineering. Looking at this, I feel happy that I am working with something I am familiar with (Engineering). I am so confused with emotions and totally lost. My confidence is way down, and I still don't know how to react. Viva is coming up.

I feel like I have wasted my 9 months. Anyone out there who has similar experience, please share with me because this is very hard to get through. I am just stunned stone cold!!! Please HELP... anyone