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Thanks, dude. That's really an awesome website.

Biology PhD to Mathematics MSc

======= Date Modified 08 Feb 2010 23:12:51 =======
Hi, Mathkitty. How do you think of mathematical biology in your course? Are you interested?

Another reason that I want to undertake this course is that to study mathematics has long been a dream of mine. I just don't know if I am 'too old' to study it. I always want to understand the principles of our universe and thus want to read advanced physics. But without knowledge of mathematics, you just cannot grasp it.

I don't have any doubt about my ability to study the course. I am just not sure about 'after the course'. My initial intent was to do mathematical modelling in biology, besides this, What other things/jobs can I do after the course? I think mathematical students know more about this.

Biology PhD to Mathematics MSc

======= Date Modified 06 Feb 2010 22:05:26 =======
Thanks a lot for your replies, ejc and sarahk5275. The course I am going to undertake is a modelling course. It have modules like partial differential equations, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra and other special topics including several modules on mathematical biology which is exactly what I am after.

I considered applying for a postdoc position in this field. But when you see an ad like this, they always require you be trained in a mathematical discipline. And during my PhD, I only do bench work, there is nothing to do with mathematics. I learned some general mathematics in my spare time and that's why they offered me a place in the course.

Biology PhD to Mathematics MSc

By the way. I am not going to quit current PhD. i just want to do the course after my PhD.

Biology PhD to Mathematics MSc

======= Date Modified 05 38 2010 22:38:53 =======
I almost finish my PhD in biology and am writing my thesis. I want to do mathematical modelling in biology in future. So I am now considering doing a one-year mathematics master course. I already got an offer from a university. It's just the tuition fee is very high as I am an international student. I don't know if it is worth doing this course. Any advice from biologists or mathematician? For the course itself, is it easy to find a job for an applied mathematical degree? Thanks in advance.