Would you apply for this and how??

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There is a job advertised at my local uni (I go to one 2 hours away). I've specialised in a certain subject area and the job is in a different specialism BUT its only an RA position and they only require a BSc in the core discipline (which I have).

btw - yes it is less pay than I was looking for, but it actually pays more because I don't have to factor in many £ks in travel. Plus it looks like a doddle, so if I did get it, it would allow me to finish up my PhD, do publications etc and try a get a job in my related discipline at the same time (bit cheeky I know).

Anyway, would you apply?

And if so, how would you go about explaining the fact you had done an MSc and a PhD in a different specialism?


======= Date Modified 02 Jul 2010 18:27:57 =======
Yes. No harm in trying. I'd just use your cover letter to shown how you meet the appointment criteria for this job rather than waste space on explaining away your different sub-field. If you've got the basic degree, then a lot of research skills are transferable anyway.

Oh and given ads for lectureships and postdocs will be very thin on the ground, at least until universities know exactly how bad the cuts are going to be, an RA job is not to be sneezed at.