Abstract For Conference Poster Without Results



My supervisors have advised me to apply for two conferences to do a poster presentation. However, I do not have any results at all or any dataset to do any analysis at the moment. One conference is in April and other in September. What do you put under the results and conclusion section of your abstract if you do not have none to present? Thank youuuu!

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I completely understand your problem. I applied to many many conferences with few tangible results, so can somewhat advise. I didn't have specific sections and I would regurgitate my PhD proposal in 1 or 2 paragraphs. So, I would explain the topic, the aims, how I will achieve it and then end by re-explaining the importance. It got me a lot of poster presentations and a few flash presentations. If you really want a results section you can also use stock phrases such as "this study is ongoing" or "preliminary results are positive".


Similar to rewt, I've done this once also. I included hypotheses, and I also included possible implications. It is great if you can do a bit of the analysis so there's a taster of the results. Also might be more likely to be accepted if it has to be reviewed. Hope it goes well.


You don't need any results to be included in your abstract. When you get your results, just put them onto your poster. Even if you don't have any results for your poster, it'll also be fine cos I've seen several posters without any results shown, and some of them even won best poster prizes.