Been accepted at a conference....


Normally, this is good news.
But I found out about it just today, and the conference is in a week.
I don't know if I have enough time to make a good power-point presentation, or at least as good as I'd like it to be...
I am frustrated, as it is national conference in an area that interests me (not my mail area of study) and a lot of important people are participating, people that I would like to have a good impression about me.....

I am so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-s:-s:-s:-s:-s


Stop fretting and get on with it ;-)

And take hope from this, a few years ago I went to the main conference in this country in the general area of my PhD, lots of eminent people there - I started my poster presentation two days before it and still won the best poster competition! So you CAN make a good presentation under limited time, just need to not worry about it too much.


Yes you can. I always prepare the powerpoint presentations in the last week if not only a day or two before for conferences; even if I know the deadline months in advance. Story of my life doing everything last minute. If I can do it, you can too ;-)

Congratulations in being accepted.


Thanks!!!! I needed the encouragement :p


Go ahead :)

My last conference talk (last Friday) was written on the Thursday evening and the PPT made on the train from Paddington on the morning of the conference!!



Conference presentation DONE!!!
I presented yesterday and it went OK. There were many people in the room, but at the end there was no question. I guess that can mean two things, either my presentation was very good, or it was boring and they didn't care about it!!! I would like to think that the first happened.....
Thank you all for encouraging me!!!