Destined not to go to a conference.


I'm in my third year and for various reasons have not yet been to a conference. I was meant to fly out today for my first ever one, but instead I'm stuck at home what with all the flights grounded. And I spent ages this week getting my poster finished. Might hang it in the kitchen and make my housemates read it!


hi catalinbond
its the volcano ash thing isn't it. I'm so sorry to hear that your flight was grounded.
are you the only one going to the conference? how bout the others from your team?


Dont worry Catalinbond, why dont you try and find one closer to home and see if u still have time to submit an abstract. But these things can be helped.


i meant to write (cant be helped) not (can be helped) ..


Cheers for responses. Am now booked on flight for tommorrow, which if it goes ~i will only miss day one of conference. I know two people going and we're all in thesame boat with flights.
If flight cancelled I guess I'll find one closer to home and hope I can use the poster for that.


I hope you'll be able to go. But if worst happens, contact the organisers and ask if they have a Wiki site or something similar for you to upload your poster as a digital file. That way your work will at least take part and people will be able to access it.


Whats the latest?


Flight cancelled. sigh :(

Now gotta lok for another conference to display my poster. (or go with the hang it in the kitchen option!)


hi catalinbond sorry to hear about your flight cancellation.
Yesterday my friend's flight was also cancelled; and delayed until 28th April!
He had packed everything and already returned the keys (of his flat) to the landlord etc.
So he took the next bus and now staying with me until the 28th :-)


Catalinbond.... dont worry .. maybe it was not meant to be .. keep smiling .. something better will come up