Does anyone here pay fees for minor corrections or write up?



Colleague and I received R and R in past year. My colleague has now completed to satisfaction of examiners after paying a £1600 fee. He complained to the uni about this given they seem so much higher than a lot of places in the U.K. He received a response today which said the fees are fair because fees aren't charged for write up not minor corrections. Write up is six months. In fact, if you do not hand in during this time you are charged £133 per month and the same if you do not submit during minor correction period. Does anyone have any comparisons as to what particular institutions charge?

Many thanks,



My department charges zero for the 4th 'write up' year, and for any correction time, unless it was pre-agreed that you would pay (ie if you're funded for four years with fee payment for 4 years). I've known them to waive fees in the 4th year as well for students whose funding fell through.

Your uni is a little crazy I suggest.


My uni charges £130 for 4th year/writing up, and £500 for 5th year if you still haven't handed in. I haven't heard of any other uni with an arrangement like yours.


Oh yeah, mine's similar actually. Forgot about that as I don't know anyone that's ever done it. You have to pay £500 if you go into the 5th year and if you get a revise and resubmit verdict.


£500 is ALOT more reasonable than £1600. Thanks guys. It just supports my (not very complex) internet research which shows we are being treated unfairly.


My University charges around £650 if you need six months in year 4 to write up and a further £650 if you need the final six months of year 4. Post-viva, I believe they don't charge.


Great value for money!! Anyone belong to a uni who does not permit extensions?


No. They don't like giving them because it impacts their 4 year completion rates but I know a couple of people from my uni that have had extensions.

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Mine charges £250 per four months in the fourth year. There is no fifth year.


Quote From pf329:
Mine charges £250 per four months in the fourth year. There is no fifth year.

What about people with extensions or who fail to submit by the deadline?


We have to pay £350ish pounds for every year beyond year 3. So, you pay for year 4, and for any other subsequent years if needed. If you submit within 3 years 3 months, they refund the fee, but otherwise you have to pay.

I also have to pay an extra £350 when I submit because I'm having a second external examiner. I have to have two externals because I am staff as well as a student and there is no one here who is impartial enough to examine my work without needing to declare a conflict of interest. Super annoying.


Mine charged around £350 to resubmit. I've now had minor revisions after my R&R but no charge applied.


This is infuriating. On top of my £1600 fee I've now got to reprint and bind my thesis just because my external says so. It's going to cost me £100+ for two copies because he now requires diagrams that have to be in colour. So what exactly am I getting for fees?! Also. My external is overriding the uni maximum word count. You couldn't make it up.


Doesn't your uni let you print for free? If not, just print the colour pages you need, print the rest in black and white and take it to the binders yourself. It's probably cheaper than letting the binders print it for you. Or, will your supervisors let you use a grant code to pay for the cost of reprinting?


No free printing and the sup won't even answer email, never mind give me a grant code. The uni printers/binders cost the same as if I was to print myself.