EndNote nightmare! Aaargh!


I have about 45 minutes left before I have to e-mail vast quantities of research for my review panel next week. The only thing I have to finish is an updated bibliography but EndNote refuses to play ball. I have a few hundred references and they have all been inserted nicely. Then the last four won't insert. When I try to format it all for double spacing it just keeps saying parameter incorrect and deletes all the entries apart from inserting the four it wouldn't do before. Anybody got any ideas???


Save what you have anyways ... Copy & Paste to a new document. At least you'll have those. Use this list as your bibliography if needed in the worst case

Worst case is that you do the four troublesome references "manually" and then insert them into the second word document. Must go now but will be back later

Probably as problem with Endnote field (or version if using Endnote 11)


Any luck with the references? Sorry that I was about as useful as a fart in a phone box. If we had a bit more time the problem probably would be solvable - main thing at this stage is to get the majority of the stuff to the review panel (even if it means stating that there was one or two problems with the references as a small note). If it is a case that Endnote is still acting up, keep posting and a solution will be found.
Good luck with the review - you'll do brilliantly!
Go home soon and get a bottle of wine, go to lastfm.com and put on some "Explosions in the Sky" - just the music after a long tough day.


Not had your exact problem before, but have found that doing the following helped with other EndNote tangles (but please only try it on a COPY of your work!):

* switch instant formatting OFF...
* delete the bibliography that EndNote has already created
* convert to unformatted citations
* get your line spacing back in order (and check the refs are in place)
* then use format bibliography to get it back into your required format

Hope it works for you!!


Hurrah, I've sent everything off. Five e-mails, each with six attachments. That will show them for asking for so much stuff! I did the bibliography by hand in the end. It was just a case of double spacing it. I have been working from home and I already have a bottle of wine in the fridge and a DVD to watch later. I may have to have a nap first though! Thanks for your advice. I'll tinker around with things now I have more time just to see what the problem might have been.