feel no passion to the subject i am working on


been seven month i started doing my phd. it seems that to me it's very hard to carry on since i have little passion to the project i am doing. my supervisor dont give me much guide, i am bored with the lab work. Now i am under pressure that i have to make some progress within this month. i wonder what i could do to change my current situation? i feel totally lost and stuck there.


Sorry to hear you sounding disillusioned. Have you spoken to your supervisor about this? It might help if you talked it through - and it might get you feeling a bit more interested again. Everyone has times when they get fed up with their subject, you're not alone, but try thinking about whether there are any practical, positive steps you can take to help yourself. If possible, talk to other PhD students too.


Have you not enjoyed the subject at all, from the start or is this something fairly recent?

Its not uncommon for projects to start slow, so the first year can be a bit frustrating

On the other hand if its fairly recent maybe you should think about whether you have been suffereing a lot of stress, its possible you may be slightly depressed for a number of reasons I'm sure, and if thats the case you should probably address this first and foremost

or maybe a bit of both?



you guys are so nice and helpful. first year may be a bit frustrating not only for me. I will work it through anyway. Sometimes i Just wonder how can i end up doing a phd when i never thought at all before. sometimes Destiny is really preposterous and leave me no much options. either i whine about it or do as best i can.


What works for me is to do both - whine about it AND do the best I can