First meeting with supervisor


I am moving next week for starting my PhD, and as such will be out of email contact. Do you think I should email my supervisor to arrange our first meeting, as I only have details of registation and a general induction, not even a departmental one. Also, anything I should bring with me to that meeting. Cheers.


It be a good idea. Maybe your proposal?


Well she came to me with the topic, and to do a PhD, after I emailed her about something to do with her research.


bring a note-book and pen and a note of any questions you have to ask her...that's all I usually do before supervisions.


Its certainly worth emailing with a friendly hello to start the ball rolling, and maybe suggest meeting for a coffee? (well, thats what i did)


Email to arrange a meeting and ask if there is any material you should look over before then (if you haven't already done this). Then you should have some questions to ask or clarify things.


Few tips:
1) buy a good personal diary with 2-3 days per page which starts with the academic year (2006 July/2007 July)and write everything you did for e.g. emailed super abt a meeting, admin abt the registration. It will come useful for the records.
2)keep a journal of your research ideas as you go along. You might want to come back to them later. Does not matter how simple just keep writing them. If you are an electronic wiz then there are gadgets that will do the same.


Cheers for the info guys. I have emailed my supervisor (well my main one who I have been in contact with for months). I have already thought of most what you sugested Sheena, but it is good to see I am on a good wavelength. However, I have yet to hear anything back from her, will keep you all posted. Thanks again.