Funding for a msc any ideas please??


I am currently looking for funding for a Msc in Marine biology. A lot of web sites are very complicated and when you have finally figured them out the grant is only for £1000.
So does anyone know of any websites that I can look at that may help me in my search for funding or if anyone has gained funding from somewhere could they tell me where
Any advice would help me massively.
Thanks Em


Hi, a few people I know, including myself, got funding from their local banks, so it might be an idea to approach them- they might be able to offer you a career development loan- however, paying back the loan comes with interest charges too. Some of the people who did it said they might as well have worked for a while to save up before hand- so it all depends on how desperate you are to begin your course! Hope this helps.


Hi thanks for that yeah I have looked in to that but with debt from uni and interest it just seems to be mounting and taking another loan fills me with dread!! Im working presently so I am going to save as much as I can. Thanks for the advice though it definitely worth considering if I dont manage to save all I need.


have you tried the marine msc courses at bangor or heriot watt as they used to offer esf funding which provides a small stipend and pays the fees


Try the database run by the Family Welfare Association (