how to introduce myself in summer school


hello everyone,
I need help please, I will introducing myself with 1 slide 1 min in summer school. But I do not know how to introduce myself (sentences that I can say).
thank you


Hello! Just relax! It is so easy to think too hard about things and get all panicked for no reason. Honestly, just say whatever comes out naturally... maybe something like, "Hi, I'm Najoi" (if that is your name), followed by a couple of sentences about whatever it is you are supposed to be talking about. If it literally is about "you", then you could make a cool slide with some pictures and/or a word cloud that matches some of the things you are going to say... your interests, why you are at the Summer School, what you hope to get from it... (if it is that kind of Summer school).

Personally, I wouldn't try too say much - just smile - introduce yourself - saying something like the above : )

Hope this helps!


I would go with your name, your uni and then a brief couple of sentences about broadly what kind of research you are involved in. There wont be time for much more than that.