I didn't get it..


...as in the PhD that I had an interview for the other day :-(

Was told however that I performed very well in the interview, have an excellent academic record, and that he'd have been happy to appoint me to the post.

Just my luck that the other applicant had a year's experience working in a neurodegeneration lab (the PhD is in Alzheimer's disease research..) :-(


Hi Claudia, sorry to hear you just missed out. Sounds like they thought you were a great candidate though, do you have any other interviews lined up?


Right now I don't actually..saying that, one of the people who interviewed me says there is another position, so I'm waiting to hear about that.


I'd chase the supervisor about it (rather than wait for them to contact you) - show them your enthusiastic!


Yeh - i think i would nag the supervisor as well - telling him/her that you want to get the ball rolling.Be a fighter!


They did contact me

They want me to come into the lab for a day or two sometime after my exams, so we'll see


Sounds promising, get in there!