ok - i have a very thick skin - but continuous comments like this from my supervisor are getting me down in a big way:
* There is no place for you in academia if you finish your phd.
* It is silly for you to even consider submittign a paper into ******* conference - you are not cut out for it.
* Why are you actually doing a pHd
* You do realise that what you have just written is the worst I have ever read.

OK IS THIS NORMAL?!???! If it is then these are my own insecurities annoying me - if not then what do i do as obviously there is only me and her in meetings and so its my word against hers.... who are they going to listen to?!


Why am I doing a PhD? I was thinking about this question over my Xmas break. PhD won't guranttee me a job, and I've no idea what my PhD project (or more precisely, thesis title) will be. I guess this is "normal" for most of the PhD students. Just try to enjoy every single day!


ok maybe I am over-reacting at her comments. Sorry for being a drama queen.


Why are you doing a PhD - well, that could be meant in the "what do you want out of it?" way, or the "why the hell do you think you can do one?" way. The former is ok, the latter isn't.

The other three questions/statements are, IMO, disgraceful. Either your supervisor is on an ego trip to make himself feel good, or has no idea about other people's feelings, or is a ****. From the sounds of it, **** seems about right. If a supervisor of mine ssaid that to me, there'd be no way I could work effectively with him.


No, that's not normal. My supervisors have never been less than totally supportive and encouraging, even when I think I don't deserve it (cos of occasional laziness). Those comments border on bullying. Keep a record of what's being said to you, with a view to applying for a new supervisor. If you were really as bad as they are suggesting (which I strongly doubt) they should be providing you with constructive help to address your specific problems, not making vary vague, generalised and personal critisisms of this nature.


Driven2Insanity - I've been bullied in the past, although not by academics, and you need to realise that part of the game is to make you feel like it's completely normal, and that any feelings of doub tyou get are due to your over-reaction. This supervisor is behaving totally unprofessionally and is a disgrace to his university.


Hello everyone!!! I'm new here, I'm Laura and I'm doing biochemistry!!! Just wanted to say that your supervisor sounds horrible!!!!


Hey Laura, what exactly are you researching? And where?


just reply with "it takes a stoopid person to know a stoopid person. you choose me to be your student after all."


Hello Matthew82!!! I'm looking at things with RNA interference. Is it okay if I don't say where??? Where are you and what are you doing???


I was meant to be doing a PhD in glutamate receptor expression in the spinal cord, but for one reason and another didn't start, so I'm temping until I can start a new project (if I get one...) in September. And of course it's ok if you don't say where :-p


PGFT, please can we have a sticky thread that has Matthew82's entire life story, mainly the bit about him not starting his PhD. At least this way, we will know it is not going to keep cropping up in every other thread. Many thanks.


Hello Matthew82!!! That sounds interesting. Hello H!!! I think that was a little bit rude but then again I don't know the story, maybe you could explain???

Hello Jewel!!! Are you called after the great canadian singer??? Thankyou for making me welcome. I have to go back to the lab now but I hope to speak to you all soon. Love Laura xxx


Sorry H, I'll know not to mention it any more. No need to be sarky tho...


your probably correct. I dont know anymore. I will have a word with someone about it I just dont want to make a big deal or sound like a drama queen. But its my second year and I kind of need my confidence boosting.