Originality - worried...


Hi everyone....I'll be starting my phD in October of this year. It's on a contemporary French female filmmaker, and until recently I was very excited. I feel like I've not really understood what a phD entails. When I applied, still doing my M Litt, back in November, I basically wrote up a proposal on what I was most interested in, something I'd love to read and write about. I'm a bit of a fool, because, at the time, I thought that was enough. In addition to that, I basically thought I didn't have snowball's chance at funding, and just went ahead with the proposal (which my prospective supervisor said was "very mature and impressive") all guns blazing.

My research area has been pretty well investigated by a couple of scholars, recently. I love this subject area, but am unsure what original contribution I can make to it. In truth, there isn't an awful lot written on my subject area, but what has been written seems to get a very good grip on it.

Has anyone else encountered similar anxiety? Though I'm not suggesting anyone's been as daft as me. I've been incredibly fortunate in being approved for funding, and don't want to let anyone down. Just having horrific visions of being told I'm just going over old ground, and having to quit somewhere down the line. Sorry for the moan, but I'd appreciate anyone's feedback. Thank you.


The definition of what represents originality for a PhD is very broad. There's a nice section on it in this book here: http://books.google.com/books?id=pZKJxBmwKuEC&pg=PA18&dq=phd+originality&cd=1#v=onepage&q=phd%20originality&f=false

There's lots of ways you can be original with your work, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Congratulations on getting funding, by the way :-)

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Wal's right, there are lots of ways yours can be original. PhDs are baby steps (well in my field), you're not expected to solve world famine, maybe just measure how hungry 100 people are for example.

There's bound to be a slant on how you can investigate it which will be novel. If not, then you can easily change your proposal, most people drift away from their oringal ideas.


Many thanks, both of you...that link looks very helpful! I really appreciate your advice. Good to know there are sensible, supportive folk around!


A lot of people (even PhD students themselves) often have unrealistic expectations of what getting a PhD entails. You don't have to have a paradigm shifting blowout amazing viewpoint. It's about making a little mark more often than not, usually on the back of what others have done. I'm sure you'll be just great once you get into it further and find where you want to take things :-)


Please don't worry :-) The chances of your end thesis being much like your proposal are very slight, mine has changed totally once things got underway and I'm doing things now that I hadn't even thought of, didn't even know about come to that.... The more you do, the more you read, the more you'll spot the gaps and as the others have said, you don't have to make some astounding ground breaking discovery, just add to existing knowledge. They also wouldn't throw you out, far from it, your sups are there to help you to find your way and will guide you. Enjoy your summer and look forward to starting in October and please don't worry at all :-)


Thanks for your wise, kind words, everyone, they've made me feel a lot better. Very much appreciated indeed. :-)