Part-time work


Hello there everybody,

I am a part-time PhD (self-funding) student just coming to the end of my first year an hoping to continue on. I was wondering what anyone else did to fund their own studies, apart from grants etc, but part time work. I have applied, and be turned down for many grants so far, and finding work is proving to be very difficult. The competition for work at the university I attend is very high and tends to go to those on full time courses or those on training studentships. Working outside of university, supermarkets etc, is also proving rather difficult (I have young children, and I am no longer a young man), I have been turned down for so many jobs, from stacking shelves to working in the local bingo hall, so was wondering if any had any ideas or advice.

thank you for your responses


Have you tried private tutoring for kids and teens? That's what I did as an undergraduate student. I taught maths and foreign languages as well.