Postgraduate Forum goes all modern!

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As promised, we've introduced smileys to message replies. Simply use the shortcut keys to jazz up your messages! Next week: flashing lights!

Avatar for FindAPhD

These are your options. More to come shortly (requests welcome).


We you


Hmm, I only see little boxes with red crosses in them. Very confusing, I'll have to guess who's frowning - or smiling at me. On the other hand I can see the smileys under the Add a Message box I'm writing into

Avatar for FindAPhD

Hi - can you tell us what browser you are using please? Can you see one smiley above in What2DoNext's message?

Avatar for FindAPhD

A little test for What2DoNext


hello, same here, I can't see the smileys.
I am using Mozilla Firefox

I can see the smileys and shortcuts to choose from while adding the message but not in the actual posts


ok somehow I see them now

false alarm then


And again I can't see them.

It seems I can only see them when I click on view my message button.


I can see all the smileys including the ones written by anongerman and mellory.


I am using Internet Explorer (IE)... I was going to test it out on Netscape. I had it but then I tried to upgrade it and it all well apart. But it works on IE.




i guess i am using the recent one

can the operating system have anyting to do with it?
coz i am on linux and it's still pre relase version so I am quite used to things not working properly yet

smileys are good

thank you


They're very cute - but I'm still rather fond of my 'retro' smiley :o)
Gotta move with the times I suppose


Im using safari and i cant see them!