Progress in first year


Hi guys, what stage were you in three months into your PhD?? I have no idea whether I'm working well or falling behind!!



I have mainly been reading and writing lots of protocols. I have been practicing one of my methods in the lab and have identified quite a few problems with it but I am held up waiting for a reagent. I have basically planned what I am going to be doing so I start collecting and processing samples in the new year.


I've done lots of reading too, and have planned methods of sampling my beasties (which doesn't start till May). I've also done some molecular work to analyse material sent to me by nice people who collected insects for me over the summer.I've had some sood results from that (after two months of crap results - but the techniques were new to me!!) Other students said they hadn't even started paractical work till the new year.


have you had to write a report yet? I have to write one for february


Yes I had to write one for the end of December - I've handed it in already, got it out the way.


Hi Zara, are you working on sawflies? Or some other insect group?


Sorry, I have go sawflies on the brain! And i know you collect them in May but then also so many other insects come out then. I am looking at agricultural pests so was just wondering!


Stuff - who are you - that's freaky.


No I'm working on beetles.


Do you mash up the beetles and then analyse the mush?


I'm a month and a week into mine and I've constantly been in the lab - no time for reading a lot!


Yes I cut their heads and legs off and extract DNA and ascorbic acid from them. I also analyse their poop!!


hmmmmmm rather you than me!