Submitted thesis but....


======= Date Modified 08 54 2009 21:54:13 =======
I submitted my thesis, but have since found some typos. My hand written results are perfect, but i've made a few typo errors in the typed version that will make the examiner think that either my results are wrong, or that i am very careless.

Anyone have any advice on what do do?



Hi Lilbobeep, is it possible that you contact your internal and external, and inform them about the typo, maybe send them the pages concerned with the correction highlighted. I can not see that you would be failed your PhD on typos, at much it would be a minor correction. All the best


Contact your registry, they may not have sent it out to your examiners yet, and as long as you're not under some final registration deadline, they may let you resubmit a copy. Otherwise, contact your supervisor, maybe he/she will contact your examiners with a corrections list.

I'm sure everyone finds errors in their work after submission. I'm reading a chapter of my work that I never intended on copy-editing again, and sure enough, I'm finding more errors.