The Ev is on a diet thread

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I know that the purpose of the forum is to discuss postgrad matters but I'm hoping that using ideas from the accountability threads and Sneaks one goal thread, I'll be fit as a fiddle in no time. Anyway, it's the PhD that made be put on weight (2 stone in a year) in the first place :$

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So my exercise goals for the day: goal 1 vigorous walk with the dog(our morning walk was basically her sniffing every 2nd tree and me waiting patiently- hardly exercise!!)
goal 2- go to the gym (it's been 3 weeks :$)

Day 1 - starting weight 64.8kg eeeek

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======= Date Modified 03 Aug 2010 16:28:10 =======
ooh I'm on a diet! Today I've had......

- oats so simple with skimmed milk - I think its about 200kcals with skimmed milk
- one tracker bar (124 kcals)
- pitta bread with lettuce and salami - this was disgusting this was about 250kcals
- going to have turkey tikka masala for dinner - which is under 500kcal, its just onion, spices, passatta, 2 spoonfuls of 0% greek yogurt and turkey served with plain rice - it is actually very nice

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Oh It's great to have company sneaks!!!

I use lots of spices in my cooking  - you never notice it's healthy then

Your recipe sounds nice - I'm vegetarian so I might give it a go sometime with some mixed veg, I find couscous an lighter alternative to rice when I do curries but bf hates it - he says its "just air".

Ok- off on goal 1 - although dog is looking ridiculously sleepy


I've gone more onto maintainence now (I'm doing weightwatchers) but I'm also working out like a thing possessed a) to procrastinate and stop me writing quitting emails to my sup, and b) to tone up - I've gone from just under 14 stone to 9st8lb. I've been doing the couch 2 5k running programme and can highly recommend it! Love running now in an S&M sort of way...

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ooh I should really do exercise too - but my front room curtains are broken and I really don't want people to watch me dancing/jumping about like a crazy

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Quote From stressed:

I've gone more onto maintainence now (I'm doing weightwatchers) but I'm also working out like a thing possessed a) to procrastinate and stop me writing quitting emails to my sup, and b) to tone up - I've gone from just under 14 stone to 9st8lb. I've been doing the couch 2 5k running programme and can highly recommend it! Love running now in an S&M sort of way...

I really really want to get into running. My main problem is I can't jog - I either seem to sprint, or walk, nothing in between. I am also very scared of the bouncing causing saggage - even with a good sports bra, the up and down aspect of jogging just seems wrong! - and I'm also paranoid people will see me doing it - I go bright red when I run :$


Lol, Sneaks dear, you soon get so that you don't really care what people think ;-) You're the one out there working off the cheesecake and they are the ones in their cars - plus they pass you really quick and would most likely think, flipping heck, wish I could be like her :-) ooooh don't worry about the saggage - you need an extremely firm support (sports bras come in different levels of bounce control) there are ones especially for runners but on a running forum I belong to (yes I'm sad and procrastinate there too) they are recommending one from M&S for excellent control and no movement for even very well blessed girls :-) Trust me, when you get the girls in one of them they go NOWHERE ;-) Getting them in is another matter and if you take up yoga for a few weeks so you can do contortionism its helpful lmao :-) The thing is that on programmes that are designed to take you from being a couch potato to running 5k it starts slowly and builds very very gradually so you don't even realise you're doing it. I'm on a 10k programme now and working my way up to that, will run around 6k this pm - I couldn't run full stop, never have done even at school (forged sicknotes are a great and wonderful thing) until around March of this year, and only really got going around May. I've entered a 10k race in Oct and plan to be there by then - its great :-) Trouble is you become somewhat of an endorphin junkie 8-)


and ps... its not up and down... its figure of 8 :p

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ok I've had a look at couch 2 5k, but how do you know when 60 seconds is up!? - DO you continually stare at your watch? How do you avoid lamposts?


Hey Ev. I put on loads of weight during my PhD (though that was more down to depression and rubbish partner and generally crappiness of life than the PhD itself). I've lost a few stone of it and still losing more, so I'm with you if you need any support!

Even if I am drooling at the leaflet that came through my door for two for one Tuesday from Dominos grrrrr


Yay, go DanB :-)

Sneaks, do you have an ipod or a smart phone? If so then you can download either a podcast or an app which will tell you the times :-) Either that or yes, you can glance at your watch as you're running. The podcasts are apparently great, music going, voice telling you when to run, when to walk.

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i have an iphone - do you have to get one of those arm band things?


You can do yes, I actually brought a runner's bumbag - that way I keep my key in it, some change, and my phone and ipod :-) The armbands are great but I don't have one, know plenty of people who do - whichever you use it keeps things out of the way so that you can move easier.

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right - I'm off to get my first bumbag since I was 7!