The Institute of Food Research (IFR)


Hey all, well the title tells all really! Is anyone on these boards doing a studentship there? If so whats it like? I have an interview for them on the 7th of Feb and would really like some feedback.


me! hehe


what would you like to know?


Excellent stuff! what were the interviews like? Are the supervisors ok to work with? Is the area nice? Any general information would be really hepful. Who is your supervisor?



well my interview was a panel of 4. not sure if they assing 'roles' as it were as my friend had the same where two were nice and two asked the harder questions. i was asked to explain disseration project and my background i.e degree research experience etc. also why i felt i was suited to working here. and how i felt about moving to norwich. i then had a tour and a chat with my potential (now he is) supervisor. but i think it depends on the day if their available if not you chat to someone in the same field.. and they explain the project or potential project more. as most of the time the interviews are for all projects listed but they only fund some so the final project may be a mix.


norwich itself is nice. rent is relatively cheap and the institute is near the UEA. you can get involved in the uni as such as have student cards there and the student side of life at IFR is mixed with JIC (over the road).
the programme is quite structured if BBSRC funded. you have to attend skills courses etc and complete yearly reports. there are also opporunities to attend conferences etc.


where would you be moving from? what project are you applying for?


Hey thanks for the reply, I live in Newcastle so moving quite far away! My potential supervisor is called Dr Claire Shearman, thanks for telling me about the interview procedure. I had a feeling thats what they would talk about. Sounds like a nice place


oh sorry and my project if successful would be:

Gene transfer in Lactococcus lactis: the investigation of cell mating pair formation


Hey I am at the IFR too.. I know Clare Sherman she is one of the leaders in my research group.. Its a nice little community there and the people in the group are nice :o)

I have been at the IFR since october and I am enjoying it.. Norwich is not a bad place to live.. I won't repeat what was said by Shellyanne as my interview etc was the same format..


hehe im from newcastle too.. its a fliping long way!


So the interview is next week.... I was just wondering if those of you at IFR have any top interview tips?
Cheers in advance


I was a bit daunted by my interview here as I had applied for a couple of projects and ended up with 5 interviewers but it went OK.. Basically have a good idea of the project you are wanting to work on and the techniques involved.. If you have any questions on L. lactis feel free to ask and I can find out for you as I know the people in the group. Other than that have a clear motivation for why you want to do a PhD and be enthusiastic. Claire Shearman is a nice woman on a day to day basis so I don't see why she wouldn't be in an interview. Do you know who else is interviewing you?


well the panel here was the most i had been interviewed by, but dont let that put you off. just be prepared for the obvious questions .. why do you want this, why are you suitable. im not sure if your supervisor to be would be on the panel, in mine he was not, so the questions at that stage were about dissertation topic and my research work in placement year. so as long as you know that inside out its a good start. read up on the project and references given and you should be fine. try seem as enthusiastic as possible and ask lots of questions! good luck


JIC is an excellent centre for research on plant in many aspects. For science UEA doesn't follow the same level except some few groups and Environment Dept. Back to JIC it could be better known worldwide and some smaller departments are not the same standard.