UK Grad Schools


I'm off to one of the UK Grad schools in the Lake district in May, I just wondered if: i) anyone else here is going to that one. and ii) if anyone's been before what sort of stuff they do? (as I don't know that many people that have been)


Well I'm off to one in Bournemouth in October - wanted to go to the Lake District but it was full


I found out when the dates for this year went up as i really wanted to got to the lake district one ... and had to get one sorted for before my funding runs out


I suspect that this thread is going to develop into one of these conversations where one person pretends to be two and they go on and on although they are basically by themselves. I'm watching. Some indicators are time spans between answers and the writing style.

H're a very strange person.


I think you may be mistaken Jouri. I am unique.


Sorry. There were a few earlier threads before which were clearly written by one person, so sorry about my suspicion. I'm going paranoid!


I went to the lake district one last year and it was excellent. I really enjoyed myself, met loads of great people and I didn't want the outdoor activities to end! I learnt a lot about myself and what I want for the future. There was a lot of support from group tutors and assistants from lots of different areas.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone can go there and hate it.


Cool, thanks for that H.

I got all the pre-course pack stuff through today to read so I should know a bit more about it soon.

Incidentally I've only got one log-in name on here and I wouldn't have time to reply to my own messages. (Plus doing so is sad)


I've never been to anything like that but I hear good things from others and hope you have a great time.

Jouri, you do make me smile.


Excuse me for hijacking this thread...but are these Gradschool courses any good?

I went to an afternoon skills course ran by one of the people behind the 'Gradschool' initiative. While it was very interesting and lots of good points were made - it was also heavily laden with psychobabble and ice-breaker games etc. Personally, I have no patience for this wishy-washy stuff.

While I would be interested in attending one of the three-day courses I don't really want to waste my time either.

Should I or should I not attend one?