What are the costs of doing PhD in the states?



1) What are the costs of doing PhD in the states while working at the same time in business? So, you are not a university employee (like in Holland).
2) Do you always have to follow a complete program with courses or thesis work enough?



Quote From boah123:


1) What are the costs of doing PhD in the states while working at the same time in business? So, you are not a university employee (like in Holland).
2) Do you always have to follow a complete program with courses or thesis work enough?


I think that the majority of students here are from the UK. I think that you should visit the GradCafe (www.thegradcafe.com) which is a US version of PostgradForum.

As for the questions you asked, here are some answers for the first question. I am not an expert so you should confirm their validity from elsewhere..

Costs: Depends on university and PhD program. It is impossible to give a definite answer. Prestigious schools waive all your fees and give you a competitive stipend provided that you apply for and are offered a graduate assistant position. At lower-tier universities students have to pay their fees and living.

If you are not a US citizen, you are not allowed to work (exception is the afore-mentioned graduate teaching/research/office assistant positions etc). International graduate students hold F1 or J1 visas. If they work outside campus and get caught, they will be deported quickly (as far as I know)..

In case that you hold a visa which allows you to work in the US, you are not able to study.


Thank you for your answer and providing me the link.