Where and how can I get some experience?


Well, I have had a few rejections in last month and the project that I was hoping to get into, did not take me and dint even tell me the reason for not taking me in. However other unis have given me some feedback and have said that I lack research experience; which is a bit ironical. The whole point of applying for PhD is to do research and they expect me to have some prior experience. I understand if the situation is for non social sciences subjects like engineering or medicine. My situation is different, my topic is more related to social sciences and I am not sure where to get experience in social sciences.

I have had two years of work exp before I started my Masters and that was in a different country (not UK). Can anyone tell me how and where can I get RESEARCH EXP in the field of Management or sociology or related social sciences subjects?


A2D & Aspirant the website 'work for an MP' also has research jobs with ngo's & lobby groups as well as political parties.
Aspirant you might want to consider a short certified course in research methods to top up your masters?

meanwhile www.w4mp.org


well thanks for the info.. I knew about jobs.ac.uk.. but did not know about work for MP site. Hopefully I will find something there.. but the problem is my suject. It is similar to social sciences, but there is a thin difference between that subject and mine. I want to research more in the field of values, knowledge, skills and attitudes of people in workplace. Not many profs are into this, a bit rare subject.. but dont know what else to do to master in this field! PhD has been my dream ever since I started my college and PhD in this particualr subject is my passion! hope i will get there!!


Check out these two UK organisations The Work Foundation & !WhatIf?. Don't know the websites, but you can google them.
Sounds as if they might be right up your alley.


Hi phdaspirant, not heard from you for awhile so I thought I'd ask how you're getting on?