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Article Request, Please! (from Informaworld)

Hi, I don't have access to several journal sites, if someone can email this article it would be a great help!


Thank you!

Not taking recommendation letter from my pHD supervisor

As from the above posts, you should do two things:

1) You should be willing to ask your internal and external examiner for a reference. They should know your work well enough that at least one of them should be willing to comment on it.

2) You should ask your supervisor for one anyway. a) After the viva, your supervisor may be happy to be done with you that he/she may give you a perfunctory one b) You need to know what they will say in case anyone wants to email or call for a reference from him/her in the future and c) there is always the chance that your supervisor may be a jerk in person but nice on paper. Whether good or bad, better to face it head on.