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What to do after your PhD?

It's tough! But hopefully will be worth it in the end!!!

What to do after your PhD?

The bot knows the answer to your questions! I have never seen that PhD game before! Very funny!!

Have you all seen the PhD Movie? I saw it last night, I thought it was very funny!

What to do after your PhD?

There are so many different options available to people!! Would be good to get people sharing what ideas they have 8-)

What to do after your PhD?

What are you going to do after your PhD? How are you going to decide what to do? I am currently weighing up the options and opportunities that I have but I haven't made a decision yet.

I created a game to help me decide, you can play it here - http://sciencehastheanswer.blogspot.com/2012/03/what-to-do-after-phd.html :-):-)

Should I do a Phd to get back to work?

I wouldn't start a PhD just because you cannot find anything else to do. Doing one does not guarantee you a job in anyway! If you want to find out more information about life as a PhD student take a look on this forum and I have written a blog post about  why you would study for a PhD here - http://www.jobs.ac.uk/blogs/real-life/2011/02/17/why-study-for-a-phd/

Love Your PhD

I see lots of posts on this forum about how much people hate their PhD! I know it's not all fun and roses but maybe if people shared a bit more about why they are enjoying their PhD it might make people feel a bit happier.

I write a blog about PhD life here - http://www.jobs.ac.uk/blogs/real-life/2010/11/02/love-your-phd/

Let me know what you think and why you love your PhD! :-)