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In 50 words or less..

Helpful, thank you. I'm just trying to assess if I've got room in my life for studying again!

In 50 words or less..

Please can you all tell me in 50 words (ish) what a Phd is, the realities of doing one , anything to give me a better understanding. Imagine it's a new concept for me and I'm a bit blank about it all.
Much appreciated!

PhD and life

If it's full-time, am I based in the uni, doing "work" , or at home working on research and thesis, just doing it quicker than part-time - sorry I really am at the early stage of this process!

PhD and life

I'm lacking in proper PhD understanding at the moment - I need to understand the difference between part-time and full-time. I have loads of support (husband) and i am at the roll-up and just deliver training stage!
I have been scouring the web but not quite making sense of it all. Help apppreciated!:-)

PhD and life

I'm 36, have 3 kids aged 6 and under, and run a small training company delivering leadership training 5 days a month. Based on your experience have I got room for a PhD and how much of my time will it take? I think I can do it but don't have enough facts yet! Help!