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Is it okay to expect advisor(s) to offer a word of condolence?

Quote From Pursue:
Very sorry about your loss.

When I lost my Dad during Masters study, my Supervisor sent an email to check if I was back from home, and asked how I was?

By the time we met, he began from the email, which was easier for both of us. He didn't say much about the loss, gauging I could cry, but the general response I got was warmth, kindness, understanding.

Even if someone decides to keep quiet about your loss, but at least their actions, should be an assurance that they care what you are going through. A simple reply to your emails could have been a good gesture.

At PhD level, a Supervisor - Student relationship is more than just a dissertation. They are your first support structure. Yes you are right to expect at least some sympathy.

But because they proved to be from another planet than yours.....keep going, find other people that understand what you are going through, talk about your pain if need be, like you have done here, so it doesn't bottle up. Don't keep to yourself. It is well!