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Focus group on understanding how you choose your employment


Once the study is complete we will see if we can put some aspects of the study out as it is specific to one company. Please send me an email if it is possible for us to provide this information.



Focus group on understanding how you choose your employment

Please note that the focus group has been moved to Monday 24th January 2011 at 6.30pm if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me on 02031300632 or my email of [email protected]



Focus group on understanding how you choose your employment

======= Date Modified 18 Jan 2011 12:23:31 =======
======= Date Modified 18 Jan 2011 10:38:13 =======
We are running a focus group on Thursday 20th January on understanding how PhD students choose what type of employer they would want to work for?
The focus group will be held at venue in Weymouth street near Gt Porland St tube station in London.
We would be interested in speaking with anyone who is completing their PhD this year or completed it in 2010 and is interested in a career in Healthcare, Biotech or Pharmaceutical.

The focus group is for 2 hours and you will be paid £120 for your time should you wish to participate.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on my email [email protected] or call me on 02031300632

Please click on link below for additional information and please ignore date on the link asthe actual date is 20th January 2011.

Thank you for your support.
