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Can my uni force me to withdraw my PhD?

IntoSpiral no need to take things personal and be sensitive. It takes lot of courage and determination to do a PhD, spending nights and days analysing complex subjects and data.let 10 years pass, then you'll know.

Can my uni force me to withdraw my PhD?

You or any human is never useless, I meant PhD degree which takes too long due non-academic issues. Industry or university will pick smart & efficient PhDs, won't you agree? Or they feel sorry for us & hire us?

Depression due an illness I can´t control during my PhD

TreeofLife I got data and subjects who experienced psychological and physiological damages due to PhD. Partial dementia, amnesia and PTSD. Are you doing PhD in this field?

Withdrawn PhD

I tried getting on but its great burden to carry. Well, you people are right, they don't take cases and throw you out even if they agree they were wrong.

Withdrawn PhD

If a PhD, career and health is lost due to gross negligence of supervisor and university, especially a proven case, how to fight such a case in the UK university? Is submitting thesis better the option or compensation?


There are many cases where PhD students end up with OCD, hypersexuality, watching porn and become hopeless at the end of PhD? How many had these symptoms?

Depression due an illness I can´t control during my PhD

Don't waste life and allow PhD to lead you into poverty. If your not enjoying PhD, let it go rather make PhD a pretty huge d**k. An uncertain PhD leads to depression and permanent brain damage.

Can my uni force me to withdraw my PhD?

Poor supervision, your supervisor lead you wrongly. Now he'll hide behind your guilt and vulnerability. Contact embassy, get their lawyer. PhDs taken more than 3 years are useless and hopeless.

Writing. Is it something you can learn?

======= Date Modified 12 Feb 2011 10:19:31 =======
This is a big problem in research fraternity which arises from lack of training than knowledge. Most instituitons and supervisors do not guide students from start on the framework of thesis and how a student should improve on writing. Many supervisors themselves lack knowledge in how to build, so they escape by putting burdern of this on students. There might be one or two writing courses which is normally conducted by a non-Phd tutors and they have no clue on scientific writing, most these are fighting for a job than imparting teaching. Initially I used to think so much for words and writing a page in my own words was impossible for a given problem. I was good with solving problems but to present ideas one needs to be a good writer. All PhD students from day one should read varieties of books on variety of topics, especially where how a problem evolves and facts presented. They must learn how to extract summary from a book and keep writing each idea everyday, atleast for 1 hr a day. How to understand problems, how to evaluate and present facts, its all an art. PhD thesis writing and means available must be researched from day one. Also, I think 3 months gap between final lab work and starting writeup serves well. Especially, mind is simulated so much during lab work that immediately starting write up is quite counter-productive. Students who are not bonded well with supervisors always struggle with writeup, especially if supervisor lacks insights on your research. What is the point of whole research if you cannot express it that others can understand? Supervisors assume students will do it, rather guiding them from start.

Coming back to your question, can you learn to write? Yes, it takes time, more than that interest.

1. Read good thesis related to your topic - understand the problem, content, how they presented literature, the philosophy, summary.
2. Read books that interest you - can be religious, adventrous, management, anything that you enjoy. Understand how they evaluate and present facts.
3. Writing requires good understanding of a problem and facts available. Be patient and allow good amount of time if English not your first language.
4. If you read books, and you find some paragraph interesting, then write and save on a paper. How can this be presented towards explaining my problem? think. Even movies or any life experience can be used to express your research problem. Reading become interesting when there is some humor and bit of reality in it.
5. Avoid pedantic write-ups at start. Understand different styles of writing and which one fits your style. Shakespeare, wall street or harry potter. Be urself..
6.If your problem is unique, create a perception of understanding in your writing first and then explain your problem. If your supervisor only watched Dr.NO, then how the hell he'll understand Dr. Who? His brain with Dr.No & Pussy Galore memories and perceptions will not understand Dr. Who. For him if Dr.Who does not have a cat and Pussy, the whole concept is useless..
7Seek help and proof read by others.

Hope this helps. Dont give up, with regular pressure as termed in geology, even big mountains turn into dust.


I wonder if Supervisor is at fault in damaging students career and health, and university trying to cover up, can student seek compensation?I know one need to have strong case with facts, but if all the facts can be proven with concrete data, will lawsuit be filed, and how long outcome of such cases take? What level of compensation should student file for say 5 years damage with loss of career?

Double PhD?

My PhD wasn't pre-planned decision. Like Captain Jack Sparrow I just planned as ship sailed through the sea of research. I first enrolled for Msc(dont know why) but decided to quit after a month.However, tutors in university were impressed with my reasons to abandon the mission and offered research projects..I said let see what happens and jumped into it...to be honest how would you the world unless you live in it..Somewhere down the line I was asked to do one more year and get a PhD...It was like more work than enjoy student life.

Now I really like reading and research, always think if I get pre-planned time for a new PhD I can achieve something exceptional. I really like Geophysics field with lots of maths in it. It'll augment well with my current research of signal and image processing on electromagnetic waves...Does double PhD make sense?

Today has not been a waste because....

======= Date Modified 14 Dec 2010 12:55:08 =======
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Thinking of going back into PhD - help and advise needed.

only if you satisfy two conditions - 1. Get reliable partner n have kids(if naturally possible) 2. do it fast(2 years max) dont fight war of attrition.

I cannot believe how rude doctors can be.

Don't let them down you dear..These are pathetic low level beings and a failure to his own life..

should i quit my phd? advice urgently needed

======= Date Modified 14 Dec 2010 10:23:48 =======
I was in similar situation like you years ago but instead of quitting I let my ego, insecurity and pride make me suffer. Like you I too studied PhD away from home and its really difficult dealing emotions and focus.Thoughts dont connect, learning curve doesn't evolve, the more you try, more you fail. Not necessarly(but factually) depression but morale takes its toll. There are two options..First if you want to continue, then make sure you dont over-work..6 hrs a day is enough..then read different topics,meet/make good friends, have good lunch,spend evening for recreation, perhaps little assignment..If you seen Shawshank Redemption, then making a small hole over a period of time can serve exit strategy in case of eventuality.Also set REALISTIC objectives, give enough time and do small activities that may improve ur morale. 2months research, 15 days relax -strategy..

However, from your words I feel you have a burnout or very distracted(financial, ..etc)..seek counselling, I kept refused till I completly cracked,such was my ego...brain chemicals work in a strange way, fight or flight..indecision.. Also sometimes research team can be boring if there is less resource n supervisor missing.Some of my friends switched universities and found success easier. Topic of interest is also important. Dont fight war of attrition..Dont put so much pressure..Go home if you want to but dont be scared opportunities will dry up. Hitting same wall again and again will only make you lose suffer..Also you can take academic suspension for a year if GP confirms your burnout...trust me fresh mind runs like anything, you probably finsih PhD early rather late with rest..anxiety will only increase your procastination...Mark Zuckesburg, facebook founder n billionaire also dropped out from harvard..so no PhD doesn't mean end of life, its big and enjoy it.. If something doesn;t work, try something else..who cares if you get it at 30 or 40..at 60 you'll be proud to crossed the barrier..