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Health Clearance Forms

Thank you for your replies! :-)

Smilodon ~ I will only disclose *if* there is the box about contacting my doctor, otherwise I don’t see the point, it can only be a negative. I like the thought you cannot be weird or crazy because it is too competitive...I tend to think that you can be rational apart from one thing (the illness part).

Hypothesis ~ I am a microbiologist so other than the lab I will not really have contact with anyone in regards to the research. You mention that you do not think they would be particularly concerned with eating disorders (I am currently bulimic) but that it may be concerned with ‘ongoing, medically controlled mental conditions’. Do you have any idea what would classify as a ongoing, medically controlled mental condition? I am diagnosed as chronic, and my ED is controlled in part by Prozac 60mgs – the med/dose is specifically described as a treatment for bulimia. I know it isn’t a lifelong illness in the sense that some other mental illnesses cannot be recovered from, but I wonder... I am sure you cannot really answer that question, so do not worry! Why would mentioning antidepressants be something you are more wary about? Because it is a medication? I am on the highest recommended dose of my med, although it isn’t actually the highest dose given, just generally is. That makes me worry slightly.

Keenbean ~ Thank you for sharing! I will not be working with anyone other than in the lab, because I am investigating microbial metabolism. I think I will tell the truth. It does irk me though, because it doesn’t prevent me from doing work and they wouldn’t realise otherwise.

HazyJane ~ Yes, it would be a lot easier. I am not sure what kind of health clearance it is. I did enquire about the clearances I need to pass, but the detail about this form was just *it is a health clearance form*. I decided not to press any further, because I had already vaguely asked and being more specific may raise questions. I did search both my future Uni/Company for their health regulations and it wasn’t very specific either. The Uni one I think is more vague and related to disability and special conditions/needs and there was a section on equal opportunities. The Company didn’t say much other than you needed clearance. We shall see I guess!

missspacey ~ I am a microbiologist. I would rather a new doctor assessed me tbh, so I hope if I do need *assessing* that will be the case! The problem I have is that on paper it looks bad, but *bad* is relative and I don’t see why they should ask about it as, like I said earlier, they know my work and my personal life shouldn’t really be an issue.

Health Clearance Forms

Hello, I was wondering if anyone had to undergo a health clearance before starting their PhD. I have to have a few checks, such as security & CRB which are all fine, but I am worried about the health one. I have a health clearance for the Uni I will be studying at and one for the company I am collaborating with.

I have had an eating disorder for 9 years (I am 22), am on anti-depressants and having hospital outpatient treatment. I really dislike lying, but I am scared that if I put this down I will not pass my health clearance. I am also worried that the health clearance will require either a signature from my doctor to confirm what I have written is correct, or a box saying I consent to her being contacted. I know I can refuse for my medical records to be released and will be able to have a copy of anything my doctor sends to whoever is doing the health check. However, to refuse that could mean the offer is retracted anyway and presumably indicates I have something to hide.

Do health clearances need your doctor to say it is correct? I have seen some forms that say so. My old university didn't want any confirmation of what is written on a health form, but I am working for a company also, and I am worried they will.

Although, I know, on paper it might seem as if I am quite *ill*, I am much recovered, am a normal weight, have never taken time off Uni for it (the hosp has out of 9-5 appointments) and I do not consider it to affect my work in anyway. I have been *ill* throughout every exam I have ever taken and since I was accepted & sponsored based on my academic merit, I think that whether I am deemed *ill* or not, it shouldn't matter. My results/attendance show I am quite capable of the work.

Apart from that, I have no desire for anyone to know about any health conditions I have. Since I am in recovery, I am not underweight and will make sure I am not again - that makes it more embarrassing for me :$

My initial application didn't have any questions about health, although there was a separate, anonymous form about health which wasn't sent in with my application. I haven't lied or mentioned anything yet and don't know what is for the best

Any knowledge would be much appreciated.
