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Quit PhD as I'm entering 3rd year?

p.s coop,
Most people will only develop their projects in the third year (in my limited experience). As most science based PhDs have only 3 years for thier projects this could put you at a considerable advantage in that you could develop the project further than most. PIs are often v.unrealistic about output of positive results and perhaps could explain PIs lack of sympathy. There are many a post-doc in a similar position I would imagine. Anyway, perhaps you have the middle of PhD low that almost every PhD student suffers which will perhaps look different 6-10 months down the line. However, if the PhD is effecting your health,nothing is worth that. Do what you feel best and it will all work ut :) Good luck :)

Quit PhD as I'm entering 3rd year?

Hey Coop,

Sorry to hear your troubles with your PhD. I hope you find a resolution where you are happy. I was motivated to do a science PhD by the following reasons 1: Money was similar to a science based job post degree 2: Career progression is better following PhD 3: I love science. Once i finished I find that actually I love science :) Anyway, my PhD was a pretty miserable experience...politics, crap supervisor contributing to low self esteem etc to the extent that many people in the department where telling me to quit. Given the time frame I had (3 years) I personally felt that once I was over half through (1.5 yrs) I would finish what i started (otherwise would have quit!). I dont believe many people have the experience they expect with their PhD i.e if I knew this was what was involved then I would have not started it! Anyway, maybe you are at a good point just now? Possibly two years and a masters and get out if you do not want to wish to pursue a science/research based career? To be honest I found that write-up of the PhD pretty hard in that it was hard to get up every day and push my-self to write for maybe 14 hours a day..its not the content of data/science it was the mental isolation etc etc which was hard. If you are struggling now then this could perhaps be more difficult in the future. On the other hand, you can grit your teeth, get your PhD done and move on. Statistically, a small % of science PhDs have a career in science but have developed good transferable skills etc and move on to banks and the like. On the other hand, to be honest there are practically zero grad schemes at the moment whatever you want to go into...so is that really a possibility? Maybe a PhD would help in this? Also, even getting a science based jobs without a PhD? Forget even getting a technical job (if based in UK). anyway, id think hard about quitting as you have come so far and are almost on the other side.

Dealing with politics and PI

sorry to hear your troubles. I have recently completed my PhD and also did not have a supervisor that was "supportive".  Yes, these feelings are normal! Yes, you must develop a thick skin! Its not easy but you will get there in the end! Do not ever believe the PI has your best interests at heart....sometimes they are just out of their depth (Inexperience(!?)/poor project managers (alot of academics!) or do not think for whatever reason of the students best interest). You must concentrate on yourself and work out how exactly you are going to finish this phd. Personally what got me to the finish line was " I've started so I'll finish". PhD is hard as its a mental marathon with many ups and downs. Personally, my self-confidence was rubbish the whole way through my PhD. Following the write-up I could have taken on any expert in the field (which you do obviously in your viva) and passed great. What I'm trying to say is ignore your PI, do your reading and experiments and increased confidence will come with time and experience.Good luck! You may feel differently a year from now! Your PI seems a little "awkward" so I would personally make sure I was extremly pedantic as I went about my work keeping records of emails, writing up the outcome of meetings for my own records etc etc