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Is anyone scared to finnish?

Thanks for your reply. Thats a good point MichaelA. I ofcourse really really really want to do well... But it is hard to get rid of the insecurity sometimes. I have struggeled through my PhD large parts without a supervisor, and that makes me wonder if i did everything right. Today is a better day than yesterday though. More positive thoughts and lots of motivation.

Is anyone scared to finnish?

Thanks for your reply! How sweet of you to take the time to help out! I feel much better, and will keep working hard. The negative thoughts are just so time consuming and paralyzing. Hopefully I can ward them off from now on. Congratulations on your degree!

Is anyone scared to finnish?

This might sound crazy, but my defense is a few months away and all I can feel is fear. I somehow had this picture in my head that when you are almost done, you would have this feeling of wisdom, calm and confidence. At least to some level... All I can feel is fear. Fear of having made mistakes. Fear of being wrong. I actually wake up in the middle of the night sweating, with a pounding heart, thinking that my reasearch is just shit on every level and that it might all be wrong. Does anyone feel the same way? Any advice?