Overview of KarenP3

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What does your general daily routine or timetable look like?
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"Hello, today is my first day of summer, congratulations to everyone!
And so, at 7:00 I usually wake up, I always get up so early, even on weekends, to have time to do my favorite things. After I have done all my morning chores, I move on to:
7:30 am prepare breakfast, usually either oatmeal or casserole.
at 8:30, after I have eaten, I usually sit down to work.
I work 4 hours a day in the office at a remote location, our boss believes that for productive work it is enough to work 4 days a day but diligently, so he asked to install employee monitoring software so that idlers are not kept at work, and there is no need to waste time on road.
at 12:30 I finish all my work for the day, start cooking dinner, I like to dine in a variety of ways, so I can sometimes spend two hours preparing food, but this is rare. I cook lunch and I have dinner until 14:00
Between 14:00 and 15:00, I usually get up and go out or show myself on the bike, or drive to the park or the lake, meet friends, go shopping.
at 20:00 I return home and start cooking dinner, I like to have dinner with wine, so I usually cook myself more meat or fish.
at 22:30 I go to bed to have a wonderful day again tomorrow."